
What’s In Demand in New York City Right Now? Part II

What is the current demand in New York City commercial real estate? Here are tips to help you decide which property to get!


What’s In Demand in New York City Right Now? Part I

What is the current demand in New York City commercial real estate?

I hear it all the time, “commercial real estate is probably dead, no one wants a commercial property in New York.”


Commercial Real Estate Agent vs Property Manager!

What’s the difference between a commercial property manager and a commercial real estate agent?


Tips to Investors Before Purchasing A Property! Part II

What are the three tips that I would give to an investor before you purchased a property?

If you’ve missed the first two, visit the previous post.

So if you’re looking to invest these are three things that I would say you should do before you get started.


Tips to Investors Before Purchasing A Property! Part I

What are the three tips that I would give to an investor before you purchase a property?


Let’s Talk About Land Use and Zoning!

Let’s talk a little bit about land use and zoning. So if you’re working with an agent, who may not be a commercial real estate specialist or a realtor who has no clear understanding about the neighborhoods that you’re looking at..


3 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting A Business Part II

What are three things I wish I knew before I started my own business? These tips help you succeed in business ownership.


3 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting A Business Part I

What are three things I wish I knew before I started my own business? Check these tips.