
Business Owners, You Need These to Lease Properties!

What are the things that you should be prepared with if you are looking to lease a commercial property for your business?


Optimism In New York City Commercial Real Estate!

So is there optimism in commercial real estate in New York? I think so.

Well in the market, people are a bit concerned. Are we in a recession? Are we going into a deep recession? Are we going towards a depression? All these words are thrown out on TV, on the news, and in different mediums, but what does that mean to you as a commercial real estate investor?


What’s Your Plan to Succeed in Real Estate?

You’ve previously talked a little bit about air rights as well as zoning, now those things are not fixed, in finite things here in New York City.


Do Your Habits Still Serve You?

So today I wanted to talk a little bit about habits. It being the new year, a lot of us always talk about new year, new me. But how is it that you get to the new you?