
5 Things I Would Not Do As A Commercial Real Estate Specialist! Part I

December 25 2022

What are five things I wouldn’t do as your commercial real estate specialist?

Number one, take a deal I don’t believe in.

It takes a lot of time to get a deal from start to finish. So if you’re going to invest your time make sure you actually believe in the asset. It could be a property that is worth a lot of money and the commission checks looks really, really good but will you have the time, the patience and the interest to keep things moving?

Number two, misrepresent the facts to both my clients and other brokers.

The moment you start building a relationship on dishonesty or swaying people just purely for your benefit is the moment you are really treading a crazy line in this business.

Number three, suggest a client should commit fraud or forgery.

Now we’re all busy, sometimes the pathway to success isn’t a straight line and it takes patience and it takes time, so I would never suggest a client buy an FHA property and not live in that asset and just have it purely as an investment. I would never suggest a client alter documentation so that it can get past a title company.

Those are three things. Check the next post for the last two!

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