
Tips to Investors Before Purchasing A Property! Part II

December 10 2022

What are the three tips that I would give to an investor before you purchased a property?

If you’ve missed the first two, visit the previous post.

So if you are looking to purchase a property the last thing I would say is obviously, get a commercial real estate agent.

Get a specialist, a broker, whatever they are, so that you can understand what the landscape of the opportunities are. Right now in New York City, we have a lot of demand when it comes to retail. We have a lot of demand when it comes to multi-family assets with value-add potential.

However, how would you know exactly where to go, how would you know all of the documents, of the comps, and things like that, if you’re not working with a broker that has access to all of the performance metrics, has access to all of the comps on the market?

So if you’re looking to invest those are three things that I would say you should do before you get started.

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