
Here’s How I Got Hooked on Commercial Real Estate!

December 16 2022

So I thought I’d reintroduce myself. Hi, everyone. Again, Cynthia Peacock, commercial real estate specialist here in New York City.

I run the Virtuoso Realty Group here, and I am and have been an agent since 2003.

I started in the business in a rental firm and at that point I was walking the blocks and I was helping people rent apartments, whether they were college students, new graduates from law school. I did the hustle, I walked up so many four-floor walk-ups, five floor walk-ups, six floor walk-ups to show those apartments to all the roommates, and then I started to think about what my big picture was in this business.

Luckily, I had a manager who was excellent, who was supportive of me, and who was truly looking to help me grow in this business.

He introduced me to commercial real estate, he sent me out on a lease and I just loved it. I love the idea of working with a business that was relocating at that time. It was a coffee company, I won’t tell you which one, that was relocating to their first location in New York City. They were out of North Carolina so they didn’t understand all the ins and outs of the business.

So at that time my manager helped me to understand how to pitch them to different neighborhoods. So for this one we were in the village and I had to tell them why it was valuable for them to place their location in SoHo, the East Village, the West Village, or the different neighborhoods based on the opportunity based on the customer base that they were looking to target.

That was my first taste of commercial real estate, and since then I’ve been hooked, I’ve been building my business, and I’ve been learning how to do everything from transacting on a lease to selling air.

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