
Here’s The Truth About Building Relationships!

March 08 2023

I thought I’d talk a little bit about building relationships.

Building a relationship doesn’t mean you meet someone today and tomorrow you expect them to trust you, know you, and transact with you.

Building a relationship means you are genuinely there for the long haul. You’re getting to know them, you’re getting to know their family, you’re getting to know what their pain points are.

As an advisor, or a realtor which you should be an advisor, you’re truly trying to solve their concerns about every aspect of the business.

If they’re having tenant issues, do you have a great attorney you can recommend them to? If they’re having landlord issues, do you have a litigator that you can call on? If they just want your opinion about what’s happening within their business, are you willing to give it free and clear of any expectation of an opportunity?

Every day, I walk out of my house and I meet tons of business owners. Whether it’s the entrepreneur that’s running the florist shop that I love to go to to get a new bouquet once a week or it’s the coffee shop owner who now has three locations, and I love to chat about what’s happening in his business or maybe give him a high five when I see him at the gym.

Build relationships in your community on a day-to-day basis and you’ll never have to pray for business, you’ll never have to ask for a business because it comes naturally.

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