
The Top 3 Hardest Things About Being A Realtor!

March 25 2023

So what are the three hardest things about being a commercial real estate agent, or even just a regular agent that does residential sales in New York City?

Number one, time. We only have 24 hours in our day, so if you’re waking up at 10 A.M and you are getting out of the house at 12 p.m, and you’re working a part-time job, it’s sometimes difficult to manage this business and do all the things necessary to continue to grow in this business.

Number two, money. It’s very, very hard to be a real estate agent because money is never promised. You’re never going to get a check every week or twice a month — it just doesn’t happen that way. You have to build a portfolio of clients and a portfolio of opportunities before you see the rewards, and that is a challenging feat if you are not dedicated to this business long-term.

And number three, patience. Patience in this business is the thing that’s going to set you apart from your competition. Everyone wants to succeed in real estate but does that mean everyone will? Absolutely not.

Every year, there’s a huge percentage of agents that drop out of this business just because it’s just too much. What’s going to make you be the agent that doesn’t leave? What’s going to make you be the agent that goes from five thousand dollars in income to a hundred thousand dollars in income to maybe millions of dollars in income?

You do those three things, you take the time, you put the resources necessary into this business, and you have patience to see the rewards of all of those efforts. Once you do that, I am sure you will succeed in this business. But you got to love it, you got to want to be here, otherwise you’re not going to want to do those three things.

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