
Learn The Art of Strategic “Stalking!”

March 28 2023

Last time, I gave you my special tip around what to do when you go out for a meal. This time I’m going to teach you about strategic stalking.

Yes I said, stalking, but strategically.

Number one, if you want to meet someone, do you go directly to that person and say, “hey, I’m Cynthia. I want to meet you?” Sometimes it might make sense, other times you want to be a little creative about getting to know that person and/or getting to know everyone around them.

Getting to know the circle, maybe their admin, maybe their assistants, getting to know their network sometimes is a little bit more effective to get to that person.

Number two, what are your mutual likes, dislikes and/or life experiences? Did you go to the same college? Are you participating in the same organization? Do you like the same non-profits? Do you like the same sports?

Get to know your target by understanding what it is that might be a mutually-shared experience in this life. Sometimes those things are going to make the difference between you meeting the person you want to meet that’s going to change your business, change your career, and being shut out, being left in the cold.

Number three, invest in where you are. As I’ve shared with some of my closest friends, you can buy into different communities in different ways. So when you go to Harvard or some of the top schools in this country, you buy into a community of education or educators that has helped you to be in different alumni societies. I believe you need to do the same thing when it comes to your career.

Are you involved in your professional associations and/or the places that your community or the person you want to meet is going? Are you in that social group, are you going to those events, are you a member of that club?

Those three different ways are going to give you a step into meeting the person you want, and I personally call it “strategic stalking.”

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