
Make Your First $100,000 as a Commercial Real Estate Agent!

May 29 2023

So you just got licensed and you’re doing commercial real estate. How do you make your first hundred thousand dollars? Here are five tips.

Number one, go through all your contacts. Whether it’s LinkedIn, your cell phone, your emails, go through every contact and figure out who are the people who need to know you’re a real estate agent. Call them, email them, touch base with them whether it’s a phone call, a business card drop, and/or any other method to make them remember you. Make sure you have your web presence together.

Number two, Google yourself, see what other people have said about you, make sure it’s clean and clear before you move forward.

Number three, get a great broker. A great broker is going to be able to lead you in the right direction and give you tips on how to better optimize who you are at the core, better optimize what location you’re working on.

Number four, identify a niche. We can all sell everything, it’s an opportunity that we have as licensed agents and licensed brokers, however try selling one thing for six months. So if it’s a rental, rent every apartment you can in the building on one block to 20 blocks. Do it until you are exhausted, but you know every owner, everyone in that market.

Number five, look at the long term vision and get additional education so you can scale.

These five things will assure you that you’ll be able to deposit the checks that will result in that hundred thousand dollars.

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