
A Day in The Life of a Commercial Real Estate Specialist Part I

September 18 2022

So what’s a day in my life like?

Generally, it starts at 6am. I wake up and then I pray. I get myself ready for what’s to come on that day. After that, I do a few things: affirmations, planning, checking my emails, and figuring out what is my strategy for the day.

As I’ve told you before, everything comes with a plan and a strategy, so if it’s a day where I’m showing clients, I’m scheduling, and figuring out what the best way for me to go about that day is. And then after that, I’m off to the races.

Once I get to the office and or to my appointment, I’m coordinating, meeting people, talking, getting to know them, and trying to figure out what the best solution to their challenges is.

Now if it’s someone looking to purchase an investment property in New York City, I’m looking to make sure that when I’m talking about the asset that we’re looking at, or if I’m showing them a retail location, I’m explaining the pluses, the minuses and the opportunities.

Why? Because everyone should know everything that has to do with the deal, so that they can get to the finish line.

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