
Can Commercial Real Estate Agents Sell Real Estate Assets?

May 27 2023

Can commercial agents, like myself, sell residential real estate?

Absolutely. If you’re an agent and you want to sell any property type whether industrial, commercial and/or residential, you are more than able to do so based on your license.

Now is it recommended? I say no.

If you’re an agent, I would recommend specializing in a type of transaction. That way you become a master at your greatest ability. You become a great commercial agent or you become a fantastic residential agent. You can service your clients better by having a specialization. You can know what’s happening in the business, you can have better details on all the trends and things happening.

So while you can absolutely sell residential real estate, does it really make sense for your long-term goal?

In New York City specifically, commercial real estate is a very competitive market. So you’re going to want to know what you’re talking about. You’re going to want to be the person that stands out to get the top opportunities, to get the best clients and you can’t do that being a master of none and doing everything.

So I would personally recommend sticking to one thing. Personally I love commercial real estate and this is where I am.

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