
A Day in My Life

Being successful, to me, means I live a full life and give 100% effort no matter what my day has in store.


My Sunday Fun Day

Spent a beautiful sunny day in my old neighborhood!


Transform Your Life with This Easy Hack!

Here’s a tip. Try this, and I promise you, it will transform the next six months of your life.

That’s what’s going to transform your business this year. Try it, let me know how it goes.


I’m a Girl Who Loves…

Will you keep my secret? Aside from my clients, these are what make me happy!


Do Your Habits Still Serve You?

So today I wanted to talk a little bit about habits. It being the new year, a lot of us always talk about new year, new me. But how is it that you get to the new you?


Where to Get the Best Food in New York City!

I’m going to give you some good tips on where to get the best food.


Here’s Why I Love New York City!

New York City is a special place that helps people like me succeed. What about you, where are you from?