
The Best Way to Start Investing With A Group of Friends!

I would recommend a few things before you decide to jump into any investment with people called “friends” and/or “family.”


Is There A Perfect Time to Sell Your Commercial Property?

When is the right time to sell your commercial property? Commercial real estate, as you know if you’re an investor and you’re a long-term buyer and/or seller, you know this market goes up and down and has cycles.


You Absolutely Need These To Get a Commercial Loan!

What type of documentation are you going to have to be prepared with to get a commercial loan?


When Should You Quit Commercial Real Estate Investing?

So we talk a lot about when is a good time to buy commercial real estate, but what about the other side of that? When is a good time to quit the business and move forward?


Easy Multifamily Investing Tips for Beginners!

Are you looking to buy a multi-family asset in the next three years? All these different things are going to play into your experience as an owner. If you’re not comfortable taking those risks, take a step back and reconsider investing in real estate.


The 3 TOP Questions Investors Ask Me!

What are the three top questions I get asked by investors every single day?

So timing is everything. You want to make sure that you are able to maximize on your ROI in that transaction so taking the right time, doing the right steps to get into commercial property investment are going to be critical for you to succeed.


Let’s Talk About Real Estate and Politics!

So maybe not in other cities, but in New York City, real estate and politics are kind of married to each other. Why is that?


Optimism In New York City Commercial Real Estate!

So is there optimism in commercial real estate in New York? I think so.

Well in the market, people are a bit concerned. Are we in a recession? Are we going into a deep recession? Are we going towards a depression? All these words are thrown out on TV, on the news, and in different mediums, but what does that mean to you as a commercial real estate investor?


What’s Your Plan to Succeed in Real Estate?

You’ve previously talked a little bit about air rights as well as zoning, now those things are not fixed, in finite things here in New York City.


Let’s Talk About Air Rights!

So in my last video, I talked a little bit about zoning. However, one thing we haven’t talked about is air rights.

In New York City, that can be one of the most valuable things an owner has in their property.