
Can Commercial Real Estate Agents Sell Real Estate Assets?

Can commercial agents like myself sell residential real estate?


How to Spot Risky versus Safe Investments!

What do I consider a risky versus a safe investment? How can a risky investment be identified?


The Best Ways to Reduce Your Risks!

So you’re a commercial investor, and you’re looking to reduce your risk in every single transaction.


A Quick Message From Cyn!

I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself, I’m Cynthia Peacock. I’m the founder and owner of Virtuoso Realty Group. We are a New York City-based commercial real estate group that focuses on helping owners acquire and/or transact on Commercial Real Estate and helping tenants identify solutions for their commercial real estate needs.


This is How Real Estate Agents Make Money!

So I was asked, “how do real estate agents get paid?”


The Best Way to Start Investing With A Group of Friends!

I would recommend a few things before you decide to jump into any investment with people called “friends” and/or “family.”


Is There A Perfect Time to Sell Your Commercial Property?

When is the right time to sell your commercial property? Commercial real estate, as you know if you’re an investor and you’re a long-term buyer and/or seller, you know this market goes up and down and has cycles.


You Absolutely Need These To Get a Commercial Loan!

What type of documentation are you going to have to be prepared with to get a commercial loan?


When Should You Quit Commercial Real Estate Investing?

So we talk a lot about when is a good time to buy commercial real estate, but what about the other side of that? When is a good time to quit the business and move forward?


Easy Multifamily Investing Tips for Beginners!

Are you looking to buy a multi-family asset in the next three years? All these different things are going to play into your experience as an owner. If you’re not comfortable taking those risks, take a step back and reconsider investing in real estate.