
Do Your Habits Still Serve You?

February 06 2023

So today I wanted to talk a little bit about habits.

It being the new year, a lot of us always talk about new year, new me. But how is it that you get to the new you?

Are you changing anything of what you did in 2022 to improve what 2023 is going to be?

Especially as an entrepreneur, especially as a realtor, every single day, what are your habits that are going to create the opportunities and/or to create the life that you want to live?

So for me, it comes down to the basics. Every day I have a 10 or 12 point checklist that I try to make sure I achieve. And if those 10 things aren’t done by the end of my day, that means I did not give my day a hundred percent.

Yes of course, we’re busy individuals, things get thrown in, days get turned over, fires happen in the office, but if you start early enough in your day, you can get a lot done so that when people are awake, phone is ringing off the hook, you’ve got to go to this and that appointment, you are already ahead of the curve.

So now that we have a new year and we’re excited to make more money, do more things, meet more people, what is your 10-point checklist that will make sure you will become successful?

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