
Here’s The Truth About Entrepreneurship!

December 16 2022

What people don’t tell you about entrepreneurship.

Number one, I’m a person that works almost 60 to 80 hours a week.

I’m not saying that to champion myself or to make it seem like I work harder than others but the thing they don’t tell you about entrepreneurship is that it is a job that you have to be willing to put in the effort until things are done.

So sometimes when you’re running around all day, you’re getting things done, you just don’t have time to do the administrative work, do the bookkeeping, send the email draft, the proposal, all those things.

So what are you going to do, you’re going to not do it?

You’re just gonna have to find additional time in your day in the 24 hours we all have to get it done, and sometimes that means pulling an all-nighter, pulling late, late nights and/or losing out on some opportunities – not going to the concert you want to go to.

So being an entrepreneur, as I’ve explained before, can be very lucrative and it can be a very fulfilling job, but being here for just the money, I don’t know if you’ll be able to stick through it.

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