
Is the Market Really Crashing Right Now? Part I

October 08 2022

So we’ve all seen the news. We all hear every day “the market is crashing, interest rates are at an all-time high, and this isn’t sustainable,”

Absolutely not. This isn’t sustainable.

But one thing you have to remember, if you follow the market, if you follow real estate, we are always going through ups and downs. We are always going through different curves and different types of markets.

Right now, to me, in commercial real estate, like what could be happening in residential, there is a market correction.

Rates have been at an all-time low so buying was at an all-time high. People were paying exorbitant prices for things that may have not met the value to which they bought them for.

So right now, the market is simply trying to adjust to what the real values are.

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