
Something You Absolutely Have to Know About Working For Yourself!

March 01 2023

A big joke in social media is, “I quit my job to work for myself to only work 80 hours a week.”

Is that true? Absolutely.

Well the thing about entrepreneurship, as well as the thing about real estate, is the work really never has a start or end. So a big part of this business that you’re going to have to understand is it’s a cycle.

Every client has different periods of time to which they’re transacting and every business has periods of time to which they’re looking for new opportunities. So you need to catch people at the right time in their cycle.

So as an entrepreneur, as well as a commercial real estate specialist, here in New York City, I am always looking to communicate with people genuinely to see what they’re working on, what they might need at this time.

Every three months, every six months, I’m touching my client base and understanding what their needs are. That’s what keeps my business moving and keeps transactions coming in on an ongoing basis.

I’m also building new relationships. New relationships are not only a vehicle to get more opportunities, but a vehicle to get your name out there more.

So what are you doing on a day-to-day basis to continue your cycle, to continue to engage your business, to grow bigger and bigger on a day-to-day basis?

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