
Real Estate: More Than Just a Job, It’s a Lifestyle!

Many perceive real estate agency or brokerage as just another profession. But for the truly successful, real estate isn’t just a job; it’s a way of life.


The Untold Story: Issues in Commercial Real Estate Approvals in NYC

I’m diving into a topic that’s not often talked about – the challenges of getting approvals for commercial real estate projects in New York City.


Secrets to NYC Development Success: Mitigate Your Risks and Thrive!

If you’re an investor and/or developer, how do you mitigate your risks when embarking on projects in this New York City landscape?


Investing Secrets: How to Maximize Your Debt Profile?

Got debt? Has anyone ever told you that understanding how to create and maximize your debt profile is crucial to becoming a successful investor?


I Did It!

I’m excited to announce that my website is now LIVE! Get inspired, get connected, and let’s get to know each other better!


Make Your First $100,000 as a Commercial Real Estate Agent!

You just got licensed and you’re doing commercial real estate. These five things will assure you that you’ll be able to deposit the checks that will result in that hundred thousand dollars.


Can Commercial Real Estate Agents Sell Real Estate Assets?

Can commercial agents like myself sell residential real estate?


How to Spot Risky versus Safe Investments!

What do I consider a risky versus a safe investment? How can a risky investment be identified?


The Best Ways to Reduce Your Risks!

So you’re a commercial investor, and you’re looking to reduce your risk in every single transaction.


A Quick Message From Cyn!

I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself, I’m Cynthia Peacock. I’m the founder and owner of Virtuoso Realty Group. We are a New York City-based commercial real estate group that focuses on helping owners acquire and/or transact on Commercial Real Estate and helping tenants identify solutions for their commercial real estate needs.