
Understanding the State of African-American Families and Entrepreneurs in New York City

New York City, often hailed as a land of opportunity, presents a mixed reality for Black families and entrepreneurs. Despite being a vibrant melting pot..


Juneteenth in New York City: Empowering African-American Women and Families in Commercial Real Estate & Entrepreneurship

Here in New York City, Juneteenth has evolved into a vibrant celebration of freedom, culture, and community, offering unique opportunities for…


Nurturing Resilience for Entrepreneurial Triumph

Amidst the rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship, and the hustle and bustle of New York City’s commercial real estate scene…


Why Do Businesses Fail?

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, the journey to success is often paved with valuable lessons. While hustling in commercial real estate in New York City, I’ve seen…


Embracing New York City’s Rich Tapestry

As we all know, diversity isn’t just a characteristic of New York City; it’s the heartbeat of the metropolis. From its bustling streets to its vibrant neighborhoods, New York City thrives on the myriad..


The Resurgence of Private Clubs in NYC: A Haven for Entrepreneurs and Investors

Is it just me, or in New York City, where opportunities and connections are as abundant as skyscrapers, the resurgence of private clubs has become a noteworthy trend? Personally, I’ve observed a…


Networking for Success: Building Genuine Connections for Business Growth

In the bustling world of entrepreneurship, networking is often hailed as the golden ticket to success. It’s touted as the…


Don’t Be Weird – Building Successful Relationships in Business

If we want to succeed and grow our business, it’s important to take the time to build genuine relationships. This is an important topic that affects all of us in the business world – how to build successful relationships with potential customers.


The Key to Scaling Your Business: Learning to Let Go

Let me share with you, fellow entrepreneurs and small business owners, the benefits of letting go.


Investing Secrets: How to Maximize Your Debt Profile?

Got debt? Has anyone ever told you that understanding how to create and maximize your debt profile is crucial to becoming a successful investor?