
Can Commercial Real Estate Agents Sell Real Estate Assets?

Can commercial agents like myself sell residential real estate?


The Best Way to Start Investing With A Group of Friends!

I would recommend a few things before you decide to jump into any investment with people called “friends” and/or “family.”


You Absolutely Need These To Get a Commercial Loan!

What type of documentation are you going to have to be prepared with to get a commercial loan?


Here’s How to Win at Being An Entrepreneur!

So as I shared before, I’ve been in the entrepreneurship world for a very long time.

So if you’re not willing to take the risk or even take the step back to learn, how will you see yourself moving forward in this business? It’s very difficult but it can be absolutely rewarding.


Grateful to my Millennium Chapter family!

One of the reasons why I love being an entrepreneur in Manhattan is because I am surrounded by amazing people that support my growth as a professional and business owner.


Transform Your Life with This Easy Hack!

Here’s a tip. Try this, and I promise you, it will transform the next six months of your life.

That’s what’s going to transform your business this year. Try it, let me know how it goes.


Here’s The Truth About Building Relationships!

I thought I’d talk a little bit about building relationships.

Build relationships in your community on a day-to-day basis and you’ll never have to pray for business, you’ll never have to ask for a business because it comes naturally.


I’m a Girl Who Loves…

Will you keep my secret? Aside from my clients, these are what make me happy!


Something You Absolutely Have to Know About Working For Yourself!

A big joke in social media is, “I quit my job to work for myself to only work 80 hours a week.”

So what are you doing on a day-to-day basis to continue your cycle, to continue to engage your business, to grow bigger and bigger on a day-to-day basis?


Business Owners, You Need These to Lease Properties!

What are the things that you should be prepared with if you are looking to lease a commercial property for your business?