
Supporting Black-Owned Businesses: A Habit, Not Just A Headline

Supporting black-owned businesses is vital for fostering economic diversity and empowering communities. These businesses bring…


Empowering March: Celebrating Women Advocating for Equity and Inclusion

As we step into March, we’re not only embracing the promise of spring but also commemorating pivotal moments in history that highlight…


A Message from Cyn

I’m in this industry primarily because I want to make a difference in the lives of others, one investment at a time.


Make Your First $100,000 as a Commercial Real Estate Agent!

You just got licensed and you’re doing commercial real estate. These five things will assure you that you’ll be able to deposit the checks that will result in that hundred thousand dollars.


Here’s How to Win at Being An Entrepreneur!

So as I shared before, I’ve been in the entrepreneurship world for a very long time.

So if you’re not willing to take the risk or even take the step back to learn, how will you see yourself moving forward in this business? It’s very difficult but it can be absolutely rewarding.


A Day in My Life

Being successful, to me, means I live a full life and give 100% effort no matter what my day has in store.


Learn The Art of Strategic “Stalking!”

Last time, I gave you my special tip around what to do when you go out for a meal. This time I’m going to teach you about strategic stalking.


Transform Your Life with This Easy Hack!

Here’s a tip. Try this, and I promise you, it will transform the next six months of your life.

That’s what’s going to transform your business this year. Try it, let me know how it goes.


I’m a Girl Who Loves…

Will you keep my secret? Aside from my clients, these are what make me happy!


What Makes New York City Commercial Real Estate Specialists Different?

So I talked a little bit about becoming an agent, becoming a commercial real estate specialist, but what’s the first step you have to take in New York City?