
The Best Ways to Reduce Your Risks!

May 15 2023

So you’re a commercial investor, and you’re looking to reduce your risk in every single transaction.

Number one, get the right support around you. I talk about this all the time because it’s never going to not be important. Whether it’s your agent, your lawyer, your contractor, all of these advisors, partners that you have in your back pocket are going to be the people that save you money in the long term.

Number two, mitigate your risk by only playing in a lane that you’re comfortable with. It’s cool to try to do hotel development but do you understand what it takes to truly get a hotel out of the grounds? Is it your interest or is it just a way to make money?

So if you’re looking to minimize your risk as an investor, minimize your risk by having the right advisors, the right type of lending, and absolutely minimize your risk by doing only transactions that make sense for your long-term goal. I hope that helps.

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