
The Reason Why I Chose a Career in Commercial Real Estate!

August 22 2022

Every day, I get the great opportunity to work on something that I’m really passionate about.

Every day, I get to meet new clients and new people that can completely transform my world. But how did I get there? How did I get into this world of real estate? Not just real estate; commercial real estate?

I’m a woman of color, African to be specific, born in the Ivory Coast, Africa and I moved to the United States at the age of seven years old. How did I personally decide I was going to get into the real estate business? How did I decide that I was going to work hard to make a name for myself in this business?

It wasn’t easy but I saw the amazing opportunities that can be a result of that energy, a result of that effort on a day-to-day basis.

So if you want to become a real estate agent, what is your big why? What is it that you are really working towards that’s greater than yourself?

Now, let’s not joke, the money is why a lot of us are here and it’s going to keep us here. But you have to have something bigger. You have to have a bigger mission. You have to have a bigger thing that you’re working towards.

For me, I want girls that look like me, came from my background, and have so many challenges in life, to know they too can sell, not just 50,000 property, one million dollar property or a hundred million dollar property eventually. That’s why I’m a real estate agent.

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