
Time Kills Deals! Watch This To Know Why!

December 30 2022

Time kills deals.

Why? Mostly because you lose momentum.

So if you’re working on a transaction and or you’re thinking about buying a commercial asset or selling your commercial asset, timing is everything.

So what is it that you need to know in the beginning?

Number one, you need to have a plan.

So we understand having a business plan to grow your business or start a business but a lot of people don’t think about having a transaction plan, whether that is: what are your backups if you don’t go for a certain asset or what are the contingencies that you will not give up in a deal?

If you plan ahead with your agent, you will almost guarantee success because you won’t waste time along in the process, you won’t slow down the momentum of the transaction and sometimes you’ll get the best deal you can because you’re already thinking ahead of the curve.

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