
Empowering Communities: Helping Investors Build Wealth through Commercial Real Estate Investments

I’ve always believed in the power of small businesses to shape our communities. That’s why I’ve taken a strategic approach of bringing Virtuoso Realty Group closer to the community of Harlem..


The Untold Costs of Brand Visibility: Every Entrepreneur Needs to Watch This!

While everyone raves about the wonders of digital marketing and social media, how about we discuss the investment behind the scenes.


How Are AI Tools like ChatGPT Transforming the Real Estate Industry?

If you’re in real estate, or even curious about how AI can help you stay ahead of the curve, this video is for you!


Don’t Be Weird – Building Successful Relationships in Business

If we want to succeed and grow our business, it’s important to take the time to build genuine relationships. This is an important topic that affects all of us in the business world – how to build successful relationships with potential customers.


The Key to Scaling Your Business: Learning to Let Go

Let me share with you, fellow entrepreneurs and small business owners, the benefits of letting go.


I Did It!

I’m excited to announce that my website is now LIVE! Get inspired, get connected, and let’s get to know each other better!


Make Your First $100,000 as a Commercial Real Estate Agent!

You just got licensed and you’re doing commercial real estate. These five things will assure you that you’ll be able to deposit the checks that will result in that hundred thousand dollars.


The Best Way to Start Investing With A Group of Friends!

I would recommend a few things before you decide to jump into any investment with people called “friends” and/or “family.”


Here’s How to Win at Being An Entrepreneur!

So as I shared before, I’ve been in the entrepreneurship world for a very long time.

So if you’re not willing to take the risk or even take the step back to learn, how will you see yourself moving forward in this business? It’s very difficult but it can be absolutely rewarding.


Learn The Art of Strategic “Stalking!”

Last time, I gave you my special tip around what to do when you go out for a meal. This time I’m going to teach you about strategic stalking.