
My Personal Journey through Networking

In the bustling landscape of commercial real estate, I’ve found that the key to success lies in…


Supporting Black-Owned Businesses: A Habit, Not Just A Headline

Supporting black-owned businesses is vital for fostering economic diversity and empowering communities. These businesses bring…


Why Do Businesses Fail?

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, the journey to success is often paved with valuable lessons. While hustling in commercial real estate in New York City, I’ve seen…


The Resurgence of Private Clubs in NYC: A Haven for Entrepreneurs and Investors

Is it just me, or in New York City, where opportunities and connections are as abundant as skyscrapers, the resurgence of private clubs has become a noteworthy trend? Personally, I’ve observed a…


Don’t Be Weird – Building Successful Relationships in Business

If we want to succeed and grow our business, it’s important to take the time to build genuine relationships. This is an important topic that affects all of us in the business world – how to build successful relationships with potential customers.


The Best Way to Start Investing With A Group of Friends!

I would recommend a few things before you decide to jump into any investment with people called “friends” and/or “family.”


Here’s How to Win at Being An Entrepreneur!

So as I shared before, I’ve been in the entrepreneurship world for a very long time.

So if you’re not willing to take the risk or even take the step back to learn, how will you see yourself moving forward in this business? It’s very difficult but it can be absolutely rewarding.


Learn The Art of Strategic “Stalking!”

Last time, I gave you my special tip around what to do when you go out for a meal. This time I’m going to teach you about strategic stalking.


Grateful to my Millennium Chapter family!

One of the reasons why I love being an entrepreneur in Manhattan is because I am surrounded by amazing people that support my growth as a professional and business owner.


The Top 3 Hardest Things About Being A Realtor!

So what are the three hardest things about being a commercial real estate agent, or even just a regular agent that does residential sales in New York City?